Electric options
Electric radiators are another option that’s well worth exploring when prioritising energy efficiency. Their big advantage is that each electric radiator can work independently. This means they offer maximum control over both your individual room temperatures and overall energy usage. So when you’ve finished working from home for the day, you can simply switch off the radiator in your “office”. But the other rooms in your home can stay cosy and warm.
Another big bonus is that 100% of the electricity these radiators use converts directly into heat. Nothing is wasted while water heats up and travels around your pipes. Contemporary models heat up fast too, with no cold spots, which used to be a problem with some older-style electric radiators. These days they require minimal maintenance/servicing too – plus they’re fast and easy to install.
Our elegant flat panel Vela aluminium radiator is available in a wide range of different options, including electric. It offers a sleek, stylish, energy-efficient heating solution in both horizontal and vertical formats