Cast iron radiators and heat conduction
A radiator’s primary function is to conduct heat – and this is where these radiators really excel. To sum up, they are simply excellent heat distributors. This design doesn’t just get hotter than other types, it will emit heat for longer, too. Admittedly, they don’t warm up as fast as certain other materials. But they do conduct heat beautifully, remaining warm and heating a room long after they have been turned off. So they are still a very cost-effective and energy-efficient option. Another advantage of this heat retention is that your heating pump and boiler don’t have to work quite so hard, for quite so long. So there’s generally less of a strain on all of your heating system components.
These radiators work surprisingly well within both classic and contemporary settings. See how this beautiful Bronte model adds interest and impact to this pale/pastel colour scheme
Cast iron radiators don’t just heat a room efficiently, they heat it evenly, too. Traditional panel radiators have much more surface area for your hot water to travel through. Cast iron radiators usually incorporate a column design, and it’s these evenly spaced channels that encourage even heat transmission.